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Best Ways To Keep Your Heart Healthy - learn apart

Best ways to keep your heart healthy - learn apart

People are in homes with lockdown implemented to prevent corona infection, but this is the best way to avoid it.  In such a situation, blood pressure and heart problems can increase.  But this is not the time to panic, but to stay safe at home, following the advice of the doctor.  .  .

The problems of people suffering from high blood pressure and other heart diseases have increased to some extent due to Lockdown.
Actually, they always have to seek the advice of cardiologists at regular intervals and get ECG, eco, etc. checked.  At present, they are not able to get advice from doctors due to restrictions on movement.

Some people are also afraid of being infected with Corona.  In this case, instead of getting nervous, it is better to check with the BP instrument and Glucometer at home.

  Avoid going to the hospital, because there is a risk of getting infected with corona.  Yes, if you have problems like chest pain, restlessness, nervousness, dizziness, then immediately go to the hospital.

 Emergency services continue in hospitals for such patients.

Better self-care than trouble: 

Patients with BP, other cardiovascular diseases, sugar, asthma due to lockdown are not able to meet and consult doctors easily.  During this time, doctors are also able to see only emergency cases.
This is also important, as hospitals and health workers can become carriers of infection.  Patients are getting emergency treatment but they also have to wait for angiography, angioplasty, and non-emergency surgery of the heart.

 As the number of corona patients increases, most beds in large private and government hospitals have been reserved for corona infected patients.  Heart attack, paralysis, heart failure, accident, etc. Patients are getting emergency treatment as before, but patients are suffering due to minor discomfort like increased BP, nervousness, fever, headache, abdominal pain, paralysis, etc.

Some patients are also worried about this.  However, caring for yourself instead of getting upset can be beneficial.  Patients with high blood pressure and other heart diseases should not stop yoga and exercise even at home.

Secondly, keep checking BP regularly. Do not stop medicines at all and do not change any medicine without doctor's advice.  If needed, consult your doctor over the phone.  This article can help you with this.

 If the problem increases then reach the hospital: 

If there is excessive breathlessness, chest pain, heaviness, nervousness, and fainting, then it can be a symptom of a serious heart problem.

 In such a situation, do not delay in reaching the hospital even if there is a lockdown.  Take full care of the fact that no hospital can refuse treatment in such suffering.

Do not let the fear of corona dominate, 

One is the fear of corona, lockdown from above.  Due to this, the problems of people have increased.  If some business is upset with the closure, then some are coming into depression due to falling of the stock market.

The fear of becoming infected with corona is also haunting people.  It is also true that due to the lockdown many people have been surrounded by financial constraints.  Due to all these concerns, if BP continues to increase, it may affect the heart, eyes, kidneys, brain, etc. organs.

 The only cure is patience.  The whole world is facing these challenges.  We all have to fight this battle.  Do not let your morale break.

What to do Necessary 

• Take medicines according to the time and dosage prescribed by the doctor.

 • If you have a headache, shortness of breath, dizziness, it may be symptoms of increasing BP.  In such a situation, immediately check BP.

 • Do not go to the doctor if you have minor problems.  Consult your doctor over the telephone if possible.

• Control sugar.  Avoid eating sweet things.  Do not let the weight gain.

• Keep the routine in lockdown as before.

• To increase immunity, take sprouted grains, lemon, orange, etc. for food.

• Have dinner at least three hours before bedtime.

 • Those who are in quarantine, do not let life become burdensome.

What not to do

 • Do not stop patients who are on blood-thinning medicines.

• There is no evidence that BP patients become more severe when the corona is infected.  There is no need to panic in this situation.

• Instead of starting self-treatment from a new path on someone's suggestion, talk to a family physician on any problem.

•  Do not ignore morning breakfast, lunch and,right diet.

•   Minimize salt intake.  BP patients should eat less than half a teaspoon of salt a day.

•   To do exercises, use the stairs in the house to go up and down many times, this is a good exercise.
Even if you jump or dance for 15 minutes, it will be good for health.  All are free in lockdown.  In such a situation, people who are exercising can increase some sometimes Keep moderation in food and drink.
Do not eat fried-roasted things regularly.  Avoid fast food, non-vegetarian and greasy things.

•  Lockdown is a good chance to quit smoking and alcohol.  Shops The shops closed.  People are locked in homes and with family.  There is a better chance of avoiding any addiction.


  1. Nice blog very interesting and informative...

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  2. Good information. Thank you.

  3. Well done. Be healthy keep healthy

  4. Nice sir thanx very nice post

  5. Nice. Keep it up. Your heart health is very important
