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Increase immunity while sitting at home

Increase immunity while sitting at home

Eat Garlic, It contains antibiotics.  At the same time mushrooms make platelets, white blood cells.  Carrot, sugar beet increases red blood cells in the body.

 Eating green vegetable helps in the formation of vitamins and proteins.  This strengthens the safety net.  Eat spinach, soy, bathua in your diet.  Eat dryfoots.  Essential vitamins are found from sev, grapes, pomegranate, papaya, orange.

  Green tea is synonymous with anti-oxidant.  It kills the bad bacteria of the small intestine.  Anzir contains fiber, manganese, potassium.  Its AT oxidant controls the sugar level.

 Ginger is anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory.  It reduces inflammation in the body.  Drink five to six liters of water throughout the day.  Avoid cold drinks, fast food, junk food, smoking, alcohol consumption.

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