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How To Keep Your Bones Strong & Healthy - learn apart

How To Keep Your Bones Strong & Healthy - learn apart

Bones are the basis of the body and they are strengthened. You are at home under lockdown with vitamin-D nutrition and regular exercise, so keep the body active with food and drink otherwise it may cause joint discomfort.

People have been in the house for a long time due to lockdown.  Vitamin D deficiency is also happening due to not getting enough sunlight due to not getting out.

  This can cause bone weakness, osteoporosis, joint pain, sudden fall problem, and fracture due to fall.  In such a situation, it is important to keep the body active even at home.

There are many exercises that can be done to maintain the activation of bones at home.  If these make Surya Namaskar a part of life, then many types of problems in the joints can be avoided.

Do not get weakened muscles: 

Actually, the lockdown has stopped people's activity.  People have turned away from Jim and the Walk.

To follow physical distance and avoid crowds, going to the parks has stopped.  If you exercise regularly then the muscles remain active.

 If you suddenly stop exercising or going to the gym, the muscles start to weaken rapidly.

It is important to build fluid: 

Regular exercise is necessary to maintain muscle strength.  All joints in the body need constant movement.  This movement produces fluid, which acts as a nutrient for cartilage.

If the movement is not there, the cartilage starts to deteriorate, which can also damage the joints.

The important thing is that despite being less outside the house, be active in such a way that different parts of the body can be moved.

 Work with food is also important:

Vitamin D deficiency is most likely due to being closed at home. Due to less movement, discomfort may start in the joints below the waist.

When we sit for a long time, the pain starts in the waist.  People are doing work from home these days.  If you work on a computer and laptop for a long time or watch TV for a long time, neck and muscle pain can start.

If you sit on the stand by for a long time, the pain in the knees may begin.  It often happens that when we are at home we eat more food.  These days, if the whole family is together, it is obvious that the formation of fermions and new dishes will increase.

In this affair, if the weight is increased by two kilograms in lockdown then the problem of knees and other joints of the body is bound to increase.

Vitamin D is important: 

Nowadays most of the women and elderly are spending time at home, so they must include a diet or supplement containing vitamin D in food.

Apart from this, take calcium in plenty.  It is very essential for bones.  For this, include cheese, milk, green vegetables in the food and keep away from the sticks.

Knee exercise while sitting in a chair: 

Sit up in a chair and raise the knee straight and then fold.  Do this process several times. If there is any weight of half or one kg in the house, then tie it.  Tie him up and raise his knee.

 A similar weight can be tied on the heel and sometimes it can walk for some time inside the house or on the roof.  Many such exercises can be done.

  The bones and muscles of the feet and hands can also be strengthened while preparing tea and food at home.

If something is kept in the microwave to heat for three minutes, during this time you can do some exercise of neck or hand joints.  Include such physical activities in your daily routine.

 Try to walk more and more at home also.  Also find out how many steps you took via smartwatch or mobile.

Surya Namaskar is most beneficial: 

Exercise-related to joints can be done by lifting a dumbbell, brick, or any weight above the roof in the morning in clean air.

 It is best to do Surya Namaskar.  This is the most beneficial.  With this, all the joints of the body remain fine.

 If you have never done Surya Namaskar before, there is nothing to worry about.  Many such videos will be available on smartphones through the Internet, from which you can learn it easily.

Take Gym classes online: 

These days gym classes are also running online.  You can exercise at home on your own in the evening after taking online classes.  Do not spend too much time in front of the TV.

Watching TV for a long time is not good for health and eyes.  Actually, the body posture is not good while watching TV.  Due to this, there is a possibility of neck pain, back pain, and headache.

 If the joint of any part of the body will be kept in the same position and when it is moved later, it will ache.

Four enemies of bones: 

The joints of the body are made for continuous movement, so it is said in the orthopedic that move it or lose it.  If you do not move, you will lose them.

 That is why it is important to keep the joints of the body running. Due to lack of movement, lack of vitamin D, weight gain, and sitting properly and watching TV, many types of diseases of the bones surround it.

 These four things are enemies of bones and muscles in lockdown, so be very cautious about them.

Kids jump rope: 

Children are not able to play outside.  Even after the lockdown is over, Corona's infection is not going to end completely, so the children's play outside is not yet free from danger.

In such a situation children will be busy with TV and video games.  Children's education will also be affected by this.  Protect them from it.

Because the bones have been developing since childhood, the physical development of children is bound to be affected due to the closure of outdoor sports.

 In such a situation, after waking up in the morning, parents first take the children with them and walk inside the house or on the roof.

  Jumping rope is a good exercise for children.  Apart from this, the sit-up is very good exercise.

If possible, place a rod in the house, which the children can hold and hang, it will be good exercise and their length will also increase.

Elderly exercise at home: 

The biggest problem in this environment is the elderly.  They are not exiting.  In such a situation, they should try to walk home.

Also they need to focus on the chest muscles the most.  There comes an incentive spirometry machine, which consists of three small balls.

All three balls rise when breathing.  By doing this exercise repeatedly, the chest muscles are strengthened and the risk of many types of infection is reduced.

More walking is also fatal:

 There are reports these days that people have gone to their village and city by walking or cycling hundreds of kilometers.

 They have to work harder than capacity.  This can cause them to be overused.

 This causes muscle discomfort, pain in the ligament and joints, and may cause more inflammation.

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