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How to protect our eyes from blue light - learn apart

How to protect our eyes from blue light - learn apart

The problem of digital eye strain starts to increase due to the continuous viewing of the screen of computers, laptops, or mobile for hours, mainly due to the blue light emanating from the digital screen.  These days, this problem has increased further due to the increased screen time of the people.  Let's know how to protect yourself from digital eye strain ...

Due to COVID-19 these days, many people are working from home or those who are not able to go to the office, most of their time is being spent on the digital screen. 

Digital eye strain (stress or strain on the eye) increases when you are constantly eyeing a desktop, laptop, smartphone, or tablet, causing blurred vision, headaches, and other eye-related problems.

 It is also caused by the blue light emitting from the digital screen.  According to the American Occupational Safety and Health Association, eye strain can also be caused by sitting in the wrong position.

 For this, the screen of the computer must also be at the correct eye level.  By the way, it is easy to filter blue light in a smartphone, but with the help of some software for desktop and laptop, you can manage the brightness of the screen. 

F Dot Lux:

If you are thinking of buying physical screens or glasses to filter out the 'blue light' emanating from the digital screen, then this software can save you from spending money. 

If you do not want to get into too many settings to filter the blue light, then you can use it with a PC and laptop.  In this, all you have to do is set the color. 

After this, it automatically changes the color according to the light, so that the pressure on your eyes is reduced. 
Let me tell you that this software changes the brightness and screen color of desktop and laptop according to the light of the day. 

For this, it uses your location.  For example, if the day is about to change, it automatically starts changing the computer screen to light orange color.  This helps in reducing the effect of blue light.

It also offers many options for eye strain, such as - Reduce Eye Strain, Classic F Dot Lux, Working Late, Far From The Equator, Kew Painting, Color Fidelity.

In this, you can make settings according to the need.  It can be used with PC, Mac, Linux, and iPhone.


It is a useful software to reduce the blue light emitted from a digital device.  It keeps adjusting the color of the screen according to your location and the position of the sun.

When you start working on the screen in the morning, the screen color is something else, then as the day starts to change, the screen color also starts changing. 

In this way, it reduces the effect of blue light on the eyes.  If you work at night, it adjusts the color temperature according to the bulb burning in the houses. 

This is free software.  It can be used with Windows, Linux, Mac.

Protect Your Vision:

If you wish, you can also give a break to the eyes through the browser tool.  This is a web tool, that will remind you to brake on a short period. 

It has three-mode - 20 20 20, 60 - 5, and custom.  You can set the option of a 20-second break every 20 minutes or a 5-minute break in 60 minutes. 
If this brake is not right for you, then you can set the custom brake according to your own. 

Apart from this, new features like desktop notifications have been added.  It can be used with Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers.

Filter this 'Blue Light'

You can also use the built-in feature present in the device to filter the blue light ...

Windows 10

• If using Windows 10, first of all in the Start menu  Go.

•  Then click on the gear icon that appears on the left.

•   After that go to the night light inside the system in the display. 

•   Built-in 'Blue Light' filter in Windows 10 is known as 'Night Light'.  You can enable night light here.  Then adjust the schedule as well as you can also set color temperature.

Mac OS

  • In Mac PCs, click on the Apple logo on the top left.
  • After that, go to the display option.

  • To filter the blue light here, click on the Night Shift tab.

•  Then you can choose the time duration according to your convenience. 

•  There is an option to set the color aperture as well.


• Settings for filtering blue lights in devices with iOS

  • Go to Display and Brightness.  Here again, you have to tap on the night shift.
  •  Then you can set the color temperature according to your convenience.  
  • Android If using a stock Android device, then go to the Settings display.  Tap on the night light.  You can set the time for blue light here. 
  • Also, there is a facility to adjust the color temperature.  In different Android phones, it can be with different names, such as night mode, reading mode, night shield, eye care, etc.